The grandeur of Washington’s vaulted concrete Metro stations elevates the time spent within them. Sure, there will always be people who complain about light levels and cheer for whitewashed vaults, but for those who appreciate the monumental scale of the 600-foot-long stations and their coffered allusions to architecture of the Pantheon and of Daniel Burnham’s Union Station, there’s now a way to bring that experience home: MuralsWallpaper, out of Liverpool in the U.K., has released a design called “Brutalist Metro Station DC Mural Wallpaper.”
If it’s not obvious from the name, this wallpaper design features the coffered vaults of an unidentified—yet pleasantly familiar—D.C. Metro station. MuralsWallpaper offers other Brutalist and concrete choices as well, including one that features London’s threatened Welbeck Street car park, but this D.C.-centric one rings our BrutalistDC bells for obvious reasons. At £36.00/m2 (no word yet on whether any proceeds would benefit WMATA), it’s a much better deal than actually vaulting your ceilings and waiting for the concrete to cure. And it’s certainly a more aesthetically pleasing solution than painting your walls white.

via MuralsWallpaper | H/T to Dezeen